So, Why does it need to be refrigerated?
Yes your jar needs to be refrigerated, EVEN if you haven’t opened it yet. We get this questions a lot and we know it’s not the most convenient, but we have a good reason we promise. We don’t pasteurize our products. Why? Because running our delicious products through a hot bath would kill all of the wonderful probiotics we so tirelessly crafted (well the awesome good bacteria crafted but you get the picture). So although our products aren’t considered “shelf stable,” when kept in the fridge they will last (we wont say forever but…) a really, really, really long time.
It’s like pickles right?
Not exactly. Although pickles are tasty, and a select number of them are indeed fermented, they don’t have the same health benefits as fermented products. Pickling is a way to preserve food that involves a salt brine or vinegar that is then immediately pasteurized to seal and kill off all bacteria. This allows them to be shelf stable and live in your pantry for the next 157 years, (or until you clean out your shelves and realize they are still there). Fermentation is the process of preserving and protecting the product by using salt and the microbes naturally present on the surface of all vegetables. Basically molecules, such as carbohydrates, are broken down by the microbes and converted into lactic acid and our lovely little friends: probiotics! Probiotics can contribute to a healthy gut, better digestion and reduced inflammation. And that’s the quick and dirty of fermentation. Yay fermented foods!
You may have noticed an occasional leak…
Remember the no pasteurization thing we mentioned before? Since we don’t pasteurize or vacuum seal, sometimes our extra liquid-y products (ie. spicy carrots and salsa) like to leak a bit when tipped over. Don’t worry your products are still 100% okay if a little escapes, but we do want to make sure you get your products home without them taking a leak on your car seat. So just try to keep the jars upright as much as possible and in a bag in case the occasional leak does happen. We apologize for this inconvenience, and we are working on new ways to help combat this pesky issue!
Is the fizzing normal?
Yep, it sure is! That jar is packed full of live probiotic cultures baby and they are just doin’ their thing. It’s why we call our fermented salsa Champán de Salsa or “champagne salsa” because sometimes when you pop that top, it likes to bubble up. So when you’re enjoying your mouthful of bubbly goodness you’ll be living that champagne life, but with salsa. And we think that’s just fun.
What’s at the bottom of my jar?
Ever taken a closer look at the bottom of your Spicy Carrot jar? See that creamy colored sediment? It’s sea salt from the carrot brine settling a bit! 100% safe and 100% normal. Don’t forget to drink that brine like the probiotic shot that it is. Bottoms up baby.
Small batch fermenting…please explain.
We ferment in small batches. Really small batches. Why? More control. More control over the fermentation process. More control over the quality of each and every jar that we produce. It’s a big deal to us and we hope you can taste the difference.
This one isn’t as spicy as the last jar…
It happens. We source our produce from all across the state and our ferments can take on slightly different flavor profiles based on where we source from. Our spices can also very slightly based on the batches we purchase. It’s not too big of a difference but occasionally you may notice.
What’s the deal with those probiotic pills?
Yes, you can get probiotics in a pill form, but here’s why we believe fermented vegetables are the way to go when trying to get your daily dose. Fermented veggies like ours have both the probiotics needed for improving your gut health, and the prebiotics which are what probiotic need to thrive. Consuming a variety of fermented vegetables can help diversify your gut microbiome since each product contains a unique set of microbial cultures. A well populated gut microbiome has been shown to reduce inflammation, help your digestion, may reduce heart disease and more! Plus our fermented foods add a flavorful boost to your meals. Tasty and nutritious? Yes please.